Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Ebay written test

It was one hour test

30 minutes : 20 question on aptitude. Has to be done online on
Questions were time taking.
10 out of 20 (all correct) will be a good score

30 minutes: handwritten programming.
2 question were given. out of which only one has be attempted.

1 question was : search a pattern (say X) in a string T and replace that X with string Y.

2nd question i do not remember

Browser Stack

Written Test

Test held on 13th of October 2014
Platform was

1 Round of written test

There were two question:
1. Find the sum of the digits of N^L. N and L are inputs
2. Pattern matching. In which T is the main string and P is the small string to be matched. P is a regex.
P can be for example  :
a*  = aa
a. = aaaaa
(ab)* = abab
and so on

It was 2 hour test.

A lot of people were able to clear the test

2nd round of written test

It came as a surprise in mail at around 10 pm with a link that your test has been started. The link had two question in it. time given was 2 hours.

Questions were on socket programming, server client interaction